Don’t Look Back in Anger
It is not a matter of age, height or weight. It is not a matter of clothes, beliefs or race. It’s not a matter of time or place. Simply put, it is just Fate.
The world we live in divided in two. Like in nature where we have the predator and the prey, there is the men’s world and there is the women’s world. Some women are just fortunate enough not to have experienced at least one episode of sexual harassment or sexual assault. Yet. It has always happened, and unfortunately it always will. It will come from a stranger or from a beloved one.
Don’t Look Back in Anger is a collection of different women paired with different stories that share a common denominator. They chose to leave it on the past. They chose not to look back. They chose not to be shaped by the bad. They have decided to look forward, to focus on the good, on the beauty. To expel the poison. To be born again from their own ashes.
They grew stronger.